【拼音】duì hào rù zuò
【英文】 (fig.) to put (things or people) in their right place; to take a criticism for oneself; to take one's seat according to the ticket number; to take a general comment as a personal attack
【基本释义】 duì hào rù zuò ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄏㄠˋ ㄖㄨˋ ㄗㄨㄛˋ 对号入座 ◎ 对号入座 duìhào-rùzuò(1) [take one's seat according to the number on the ticket]∶ 本指影剧院中观众按票上的号数入座(2) [admit oneself to be the one criticized]∶现在常用来比喻有些人沉不住气,对于未点名的批评自己跳出来认账(3) [put sb. in its right place]∶也比喻把人或物放到应该放的位置上去你一写他,势必要写对立面,让大人物从反面人物身上看到了自己的影子。一旦对号入座,岂不要惹出一场是非来。——蒋子龙《开拓者》
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